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“Science, my lad, is made up of mistakes, but they are mistakes which it is useful to make, because they lead
little by little to the truth.”

Jules Verne, Journey to the Centre of the Earth.

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Geoscience Content
Research Type
Type Author Year Title (link) Reference
Conference Pearce, M.A
Jones, R.R.
Rock, G.
2011 Lithological Controls on 3D Fold Geometry in Mechanically Layered Rocks Tectonic Studies Group conference, Durham, January 2011.
Conference Pearce, M.A
Jones, R.R.
Rock, G.
2010 Lithological Controls on 3D Fold Geometry in Mechanically Layered Rocks AGU Fall Meting, San Francisco, December 2010
Conference Pearce, M.
Jones, R.
Rock, G.
2011 Stratigraphic Controls on 3D Structural Traps Developed in Carbonate/Shale Multilayer Sequences AAPG International Convention & Exhibition, Milan, October 2011.
Conference Kilsdonk, B.
Ferreira, L.
English, J.
Oxlade, D.
and others
2013 Transpressional deformation of a fold in the Zagros Mountains of Kurdistan, Iraq: Data, speculation, and implications for both local and regional prospectivity. 1st Stefan Götz Workshop: Zagros Petroleum Geology, Sort, Spain, September 2013.
Conference Jones, R.R.
Kokkalas, S.
Long, J.J.
Daniels, S.E.
2016 Prediction of Fracture Networks in Structural Traps: Insights from Outcrop Characterisation of Four-way Closing Anticlines in Reservoir Analogues AAPG International Convention & Exhibition, Barcelona, April 2016.
Conference Jones, R.R. 2016 Oblique Zagros tectonics in SE Turkey and the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, and comparison with Iran Geo 2016 12th Middle East Geosciences Conference, Bahrain, March 2016.
Conference Jones, R.R.
Long, J.J.
2015 Tectonic Controls on Development of the Zagros: Implications for Hydrocarbon Systems EAGE Third EAGE Workshop on Iraq, Dubai UAE, November 2015.
Conference Jones, R.R. 2015 Structural Style in the Zagros: Implications for Hydrocarbon Systems Finding Petroleum: Opportunities and Risks in the Middle East & the Levant
Conference Jones, R.R. 2013 Contrasting structural styles in northern and southern Zagros: transpressional collision caused by oblique closure of Tethys 1st Stefan Götz Workshop: Zagros Petroleum Geology, Sort, Spain, September 2013.
Conference Jones, R.R.
Pearce, M.A.
Keith, R.
Alsop, G.I.
2013 3D Fold Geometries in Northern Kurdistan: Implications for Exploration Hydrocarbon Exploration in the Zagros Mountains of Iraqi Kurdistan and Iran Conference, Geological Society, London, January 2013.
Conference Jones, R.R.
Long, J.J.
Gilment, S.R.
Oxlade, D.M.
and others
2016 Tectonic Controls on Late Cretaceous to Eocene Zagros Deposition in Iran, Iraq & SE Turkey Sixth Arabian Plate Geology Workshop, Abu Dhabi, UAE, December 2016
Conference Jones, R.R.
Kokkalas, S.
Long, J.J.
Daniels, S.E.
and others
2018 Calibration of Fracture Models Using Multi-Scale Outcrop Analogues – the Importance of Mechanical Stratigraphy Third EAGE Workshop on Naturally Fractured Reservoirs, Muscat, Oman, February 2018
Conference Jones, R.R.
Long, J.J.
2018 Virtual Fieldtrips – Zagros and Zechstein A Data Explosion, the impact of Big Data in Geoscience (Geological Society Janet Watson Meeting, Feb-March 2018)
Conference Jones, R.R.
Long, J.J.
2018 Geological Opportunities and Risks in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq Finding Petroleum Opportunities In The Middle East, Geological Society London, May 2018
Conference Jones, R.R.
Long, J.J.
Daniels, S.E.
Oxlade, D.M.
2018 Quantifying fracture aspect ratios in reservoir-scale fractured carbonates The Geology of Fractured Reservoirs, Geological Society, London, October 2018
Conference Jones, R.R.
Long, J.J.
Oxlade, D.M.
Daniels, S.E.
and others
2019 Influence of Regional Tectonics on Trap Integrity in Zagros Foothills and Foreland, Kurdistan and SE Turkey EAGE Annual Convention, London, June 2019
Conference Jones, R.R.
Long, J.J.
Daniels, S.E.
2019 Fractured Reservoir Analogues: From Virtual Outcrops to Discrete Fracture Models AAPG Annual Convention & Exhibition, San Antonio, May 2019.
Conference Jones, R.
Pearce, M.
Alsop, I.
Rock, G.
2012 3D Fold Geometries in N Iraq and SE Turkey: Oblique Collision between Arabia and Eurasia Tectonic Studies Group conference, Edinburgh, January 2012.
Conference Jones, R.
Pearce, M.
Alsop, I.
Rock, G.
2011 Three-Dimensional Fold Geometries in N Iraq and SE Turkey: Oblique Collision between Arabia and Eurasia AAPG International Convention & Exhibition, Milan, October 2011.
Conference Daniels, S.E.
Long, J.J.
Jones, R.R.
Oxlade, D.M.
2018 Using virtual outcrop analogues to give insight and training throughout the life cycle of a field: Examples of natural fracture characterisation in conventional and unconventional fractured reservoirs PETEX, London, November 2018.