Field Trips & Virtual Field Trips
Our clients often tell us how valuable it has been to leave their usual office environment and join us on the outcrop. We notice it too – getting colleagues together, in front of a great outcrop analogue, somehow seems to make it easy for different members of an asset team to share views and discuss work challenges. Come and share our passion for field geology, and let us help facilitate your team’s free-flowing discussions. Our expert field-leaders will provide you with irreplaceable, first-hand experience of world-class outcrops that illustrate key aspects of the regional petroleum system, and leave you with new insight to apply to the sub-surface.

Examples of fieldtrips offered include:
- Zagros & Middle East
- Zechstein (UK)
- Shales of the Cleveland Basin (UK)
- Extensional Tectonics of Northern Scotland
- Fractured Basement
- and many others ...
Virtual Field Trips
We want to make it much easier for you to incorporate more insight from outcrops into your everyday work. We use the latest in digital outcrop geology to bring virtual fieldtrips to you – either to enhance your actual real-world fieldtrips, or as an alternative when a real trip is not a viable option.
Virtual fieldtrips allow people from different disciplines and with different levels of experience to quickly access the key geological content, and bring everyone up to a similar level of understanding.
For more detail and a full list of current virtual trips download a brochure or contact us ...

Training Courses
Our training courses are led by internationally renowned experts, and are structured to yield new insights into geological processes in relation to energy systems. Key concepts are extensively illustrated from our large catalogue of field examples, combined with sub-surface data from areas of active exploration and production.

All our courses always include a range of hands-on exercises to enhance the learning experience. Where feasible we combine classroom sessions with field excursions so that theoretical concepts can be reinforced by direct first-hand observations. Understanding of field examples is often enhanced with leading-edge geospatial technologies, including 3D visualisation of interpreted outcrop models.
Some of our courses are run in collaboration with leading UK university academics, and with leading training provider Nautilus.

Examples of current courses include:
- Structural Geology for Oil and Gas Industry Geoscientists (see also Nautilus course N388)
- Fractured Reservoir Characterisation
- Fractured Basement
- Geoinformatics for Petroleum Geoscientists
- Zagros Exploration: Structure, Tectonics, and Hydrocarbon Systems (see also here)
- Structural Geology and Tectonics of the Northeast Zagros in Relation to Hydrocarbon Systems of Northern Iraq (see also Nautilus course N361)
- Shales of the Cleveland Basin, UK

Contact the GRL team of experts today to discuss your project.
Contact GRL Now:
+44 (0)191 384 1759