Zechstein Data Package
Detailed data and interpretations that are directly relevant for both exploration
and production in Zechstein reservoirs.
With a major focus on understanding connectivity within Zechstein carbonate reservoirs, this comprehensive new multi-client study brings unprecedented insight into the Permian Basin of NW Europe. The culmination of an extensive multi-disciplinary analysis of the world-class Zechstein carbonate outcrops in NE England, the study combines sedimentology, sequence stratigraphy, fracture network characterisation, structural analysis, and shallow geophysics. Results from outcrop are integrated with sub-surface data, including cored wells, well logs, and production data, to enhance understanding of reservoir performance.
The study was carried out in collaboration with colleagues in Durham University and GeoEnergy Durham, and builds upon the in-depth knowledge of Maurice Tucker and Michael Mawson on Zechstein carbonates, together with GRL’s applied expertise in fracture network characterisation, Jon Gluyas’ extensive experience of production from the Zechstein, and Bob Holdsworth’s knowledge of complex fractured reservoirs.
Zechstein Reservoirs: an Integrated Study
Key deliverables address fracture connectivity and mechanical behaviour, basin-wide sequence stratigraphic correlation, complex multi-phase diagenesis, deformation associated with evaporite dissolution, geometry and properties of breccia bodies, and insights from production of Zechstein carbonate reservoirs in the Auk, Ardmore and Dalen fields.

Contact the GRL team of experts today to discuss your project.
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+44 (0)191 384 1759