November News

Fractured reservoirs and virtual outcrop geology are recurrent themes for us during a busy week at PETEX this month. We will be using examples from a range of well fractured outcrop analogues to illustrate how virtual outcrop technologies can provide continued value throughout the life of a field – catch us in the poster session on Wednesday morning, and in the Future Working Zone the same afternoon.
Our Durham University colleague Tom Utley will also be addressing similar themes in the Petroleum Geoscience Collaboration Showcase session with a talk on “The use of virtual outcrop models, digital geology and legacy data to reappraise Devonian basin evolution in NE Scotland and Shetland: Analogues for the offshore Clair Basin and Clair Oil Field, West of Shetland”.
We’ll be returning to these themes in an exciting new initiative – PETEX’s first “Interactive Virtual Outcrop & Mapping Workshop”. Together with Bob Holdsworth, in “Fractured reservoirs: conduits, corridors and baffles”, we’ll be taking you on a virtual tour to a range of clastic, carbonate, basement and shale outcrops to look more closely at key types of fractured reservoirs.
So plenty to look forward to from the Zechstein, Zagros, Northumberland Basin, Cleveland Basin, Scottish basement terrains and more!
See you there!