October News

Fractures and more fractures this month … more fracture measurements in the core store, more fractures studied in outcrop, more workshops delivered on fractured reservoirs, and then some more! …
We’re really looking forward to the Geology of Fracture Reservoirs conference at the Geological Society, London next week. Our first presentation on Reducing uncertainty in fracture modelling: will look at ways to assess and control the sensitivity of inputs from outcrop analogues. Our next talk will look at a new method to quantify fracture aspect ratios in reservoir-scale fractured carbonates, using field examples from the Zagros. Our final talk on Insights from a multi-disciplinary fracture study of the Zechstein of NW Europe will follow-up nicely from the pre-conference fieldtrip to study fractured Zechstein carbonates here in NE England.
If you’re joining us on that trip, we’re looking forward to giving you a warm welcome – just make sure you bring a good jacket (in case you need protection from the strong sunshine)!

Hydrocarbon seeping from the fracture network (Eocene carbonate of the Pila Spi Fm., Kurdistan Region of Iraq).