Posts by Lorraine
December News
We love field geology, and we’ll rarely miss an opportunity to take our fellow geoscientists out to see and discuss the rocks in outcrop. But there’s a time and place for everything – and December in the Outer Hebrides is not ideal. December in the Zagros isn’t either! So what better time of year to…
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When I was at school (back in the mists of time), science and arts were portrayed very differently by our teachers. Sciences were factual, objective, clinical, and procedural, while the arts were subjective, emotive, spontaneous, and creative. I studied geology for five years (‘O’ level, ‘A’ level, and a very dreary first year as an…
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We’re looking forward to working with GeoLogica to deliver a two-day course titled “An Introduction to Geospatial Workflows for the GeoEnergy Transition” later this month (29-30th November). The course will include the following themes, with examples and exercises relevant for geoscientists who want to apply their experience and expertise to the energy transition: Introduction and…
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