August News

Beamish – The Living Museum of the North – is one of UK’s (and GRL’s!) favourite tourist attractions. Despite Covid restrictions, the museum is still open for business, and it’s great to see that work is continuing apace to complete the exciting expansion plans that were formulated long before lock-down.
One part of the new development has been to move an abandoned 1950’s farm house brick-by-brick from Weardale in the northern Pennines and re-construct all 1,170 tonnes of it on the Beamish site. As we reported back in July 2016, before the farm buildings were dismantled we recorded a detailed 3D laser-scan (lidar) image as a reference for reconstruction. There’s a great video fly-through of the lidar model here (or here).
As the recent photo above shows, the reconstructed building at Beamish is taking shape fantastically. Can’t wait to see inside when it’s finished!