July News Update

It seems strange not to be out-and-about at conferences, workshops and trade meetings during these strange times of Covid-lockdown, though we’ve all managed to adapt rapidly to the new normal of communication via Skype, Zoom and Teams. This month we’ve enjoyed presenting some of our latest monitoring technologies remotely to the Northern regional group of the Geological Society of London.
We now have a wide range of proven use-case scenarios involving displacement monitoring using our low-cost, autonomous GNSS units; these include underground gas storage, seismic risk (in Italy and New Zealand), landslides and slope stability, and volcanic hazard, and we are currently instrumenting a number of geothermal power plants in an area of active tectonism.
The image above shows examples of our GNSS data (left) together with INGV’s InSAR (right), quantifying fault offsets on the east side of Etna during the eruptive phase in December 2018.