December News

In these Covid-ridden times it’s great to be able to get out on the fells for some fieldwork. Natural England, as a member of the Joint Nature Conservation Committee, is currently carrying out a Geological Conservation Review of many of the country’s geological Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI’s). As part of this we are surveying a number of sites in the Lake District and in the Northern Pennines, primarily looking at Caledonian Structures and ore mineralisation.
It’s a far cry from mapping trap integrity or analysing fracture systems in hydrocarbon provinces in the Middle East and beyond! With fond memories of mapping F1-F4 structures at Ballachulish (30-35 years ago!), it’s been great to take a close look at Caledonide (+/- Acadian) deformation once again.

Folded Skiddaw Slates at the Raven Crags SSSI, Mungrisdale, Lake District