April News Update

Poster presentation on GNSS monitoring at Mt. Etna, EGU 2019

A quick note on a couple more of our presentations at EGU…

Our poster with results from our recent work on “Measuring relative ground motion across the Pernicana fault during the December 2018 – January 2019 eruption and seismic crisis of Mt. Etna, Italy, at 1 Hz sampling frequency using low-cost GNSS”, was part of a really interesting session “From slow-spreading to rapid mass-movements in alpine and volcano-tectonic settings”.

Our final presentation on “Automated surface detection in 3D point clouds: comparison between terrestrial and aerial derived photogrammetry datasets” also generated good discussion and feedback in a session highlighting the latest developments in “Quantitative structural geology: 3D characterisation, analysis and modelling”. Following on from our earlier work on benchmarking the spatial precision and accuracy of different virtual outcrop technologies (e.g. see here and here), in this presentation we particularly focused on the sensitivity of various input parameters on the bulk parameters of the derived fracture network outputs.