July News Update

Following on from our successful multi-client analysis of fractured Jurassic and Triassic reservoirs in the Kurdistan region of Iraq, we’ve now extended this approach to include all the main fractured Cretaceous reservoirs across the region. While Jurassic and Triassic outcrops in the Zagros are generally somewhat sparse, and typically limited to steep cliff exposures, Cretaceous outcrops are very widespread, and often form the resistant carapace around many of the four-way closing anticlines that typify the region. This means that there are vast areas of exposed pavement that are ideally suited for satellite image analysis, as well as very long cliff sections and deep gorge cuts where erosion has revealed the mechanical stratigraphy and fracture systems throughout the whole Cretaceous sequence … and that’s great news as it strengthens our multi-scale analysis to give really robust constraints on the all-important scaling relationships in the fracture systems. Of course it’s this 3D combination of extensive bedding-parallel and bed-perpendicular exposure in the Zagros that makes fracture analysis at outcrop so relevant and important for understanding and predicting reservoir performance in the sub-surface.
Lots of quality outcrop means lots and lots of quantitative data – all focused at providing the best constraints for fracture modelling, and covering Shiranish, Aqra-Bekhme, Kometan, Dokan, Qamchuqa, Garagu, and Chia Gara formations. In total we’ve analysed around 90,000 fractures at multiple scales from outcrop to whole anticline, to allow us to quantify typical values and ranges of fracture orientations, size-intensity distributions, spatial clustering, and vertical and horizontal connectivity (based on 200,000 fracture intersections and terminations), together with a detailed characterisation of regional variations in mechanical stratigraphy, and other intensity drivers relevant for successful upscaling.
It’s been a long, hard effort from our fracture teams, spanning many months, but it’s now done, dusted, delivered – and available immediately for licensing to new clients! For more info see here, or contact us for further details.