July News
Advanced Notice! … We’re pleased to announce an upcoming fieldtrip as part of the Geological Society of London, Petroleum Group conference on The Geology of Fractured Reservoirs. Since such a large proportion of the world’s oil and gas reserves are in fractured reservoirs, the conference promises to be highly relevant to the oil and gas…
Read MoreJune News Update
It’s amazing what you can get done in less than 45 minutes using a drone! The deployment of 10 of our low-cost, high-accuracy GNSS ground control units not only enables us to achieve spatial precision of 1-2 cm in X, Y, and Z, but also allows us to offer detailed, rapid surveys at a highly…
Read MoreJune News
Big Data from small sensors! We’ve just completed another successful ground monitoring campaign using our low-cost GNSS (GPS) units. The program, which provides post-earthquake monitoring of an urban area in the Mediterranean region, has now spanned many months of continuous, autonomous deployment – we have just re-visited all the sites after a gap of seven months…
Read MoreMay News
Virtual outcrop geology – another nail in the coffin for real fieldwork? Or is it actually an opportunity for office-bound geologists to benefit from more field experience from around the globe? We gained an interesting insight to this question at Finding Petroleum’s Opportunities in the Middle East event at The Geological Society last week. As usual,…
Read MoreApril News
A couple of interesting conference presentations recently … Firstly, our work using low-cost GNSS technology and lidar to monitor ground motion related to gas storage was part of a multi-faceted project with Humbly Grove Energy, Geoenergy Durham, Geomatic Ventures Ltd, and Durham University, and was presented by Jon Gluyas at the UK Energy Storage 2018…
Read MoreMarch News Update
As we reported a week or so ago, for the 2018 Janet Watson conference we gave presentations on both accessing knowledge in geoscience text using Natural Language Processing, and our recent work on virtual fieldtrips, in which we took the audience on a quick tour through some classic Zagros and Zechstein outcrop geology. There were…
Read MoreMarch News
Image (above): Machine-generated ontology for structural geology. Big Data, Analytics, Machine Learning, Deep Learning … the hype is everywhere! Yes, these ‘disruptive technologies’ (more hype) are already changing our world. And yes, they do have enormous potential to derive new insight from vast volumes of data. But the hype-ometer is already off the scale, and…
Read MoreFebruary News
It’s shaping-up to be a very fracture-filled start to the year! Following the successful release of our upgraded multi-client “Regional Appraisal of Fractured Reservoirs in Kurdistan & NE Iraq” study in the Autumn, we’re now busy with early season fieldwork (including more fracture data acquisition using UAVs). A couple of weeks ago we sponsored Finding…
Read MoreJanuary News
Back in the final year or so of the last century, a group of us were field-mapping in a complex transpression zone (see here, here and here), on a fantastic coastal section, well above high water mark (dry feet, baking Scottish sunshine … glorious!). During a lull in the proceedings Ken McCaffrey produced from his…
Read MoreDecember News
Busy times! The paint has hardly dried on our upgraded multi-client “Regional Appraisal of Fractured Reservoirs in Kurdistan & NE Iraq” study (see last month’s News), but we’re busy again with a wide range of new projects… First up is an exciting in-depth proprietary appraisal of unconventional plays in a major South American basin. This…
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